Reflecting on a transformational 2011

I find the start to a new year invigorating and exciting. I feel like I’ve got a fresh new notebook and a really great, fine tipped pen, and I’m ready to write my future. Before I start composing 2012’s story, this year, I really want to take the time to reflect on the story of 2011. In the wise words of Ferris Bueller: “Life …

Twitter basics you need to know

I’ve recently had the opportunity to attend the Impact99 conference which was all about integrating HR and social media. It was a great opportunity to hear about what leading companies like IBM, Kobo, Starbucks, ING Direct, and others, are doing to integrate HR into their human resources strategy. During the conference, there was opportunity to …

HR and Social Media: Impact99

It has been a couple of weeks since Impact99 in Squamish, BC, and I’ve been decompressing, absorbing, and thinking about the things I learned and people I met at the event. Impact99 is a one-day interactive conference for 99 leaders, focused on integrating Social Media and Human Resources. Those of you who know me know I’m passionate about …

The Power of Social Media Networks

Over the past couple of weeks, there’s been a discussion going on about the power of social networks and changes in marketing due to this power.  I got involved in the conversation when I read and commented on Kevin von Duuglas-Ittu‘s blog about “a different kind of Social Media – finding a language”.  The discussion …