Storytelling to engage your team

I recently had an opportunity to participate in a webinar, led by Anecdote, a consultant firm out of Australia.  Anecdote specializes in storytelling to bring company’s strategies to life, and the webinar was about leveraging storytelling to build engagement.  I have never worked with Anecdote, so can’t tell you much about them but I can …

Great Leaders know how to Receive Feedback as well as give it.

As leaders, we’re often giving our teams feedback that will help them grow and develop. But what happens when someone on your team gives you developmental feedback? How do you take it? I’ve seen several responses ranging from sarcasm to defensiveness to agreeing immediately and then using that feedback against the person later. Most recently, …

More on Twitter’s fluid leadership and global impact

Recently, I posted some quick info about the history and concept of Twitter, as well as a link to a Biz Stone interview.  Click here to read it.  One of the things I find fascinating about Twitter is the fluid, team effort that goes into running the company.  Biz talked about how the three co-founders, himself, Jack Dorsey, and Evan Williams, sort …

The Passion Factor in Success

As you would know if you read the “About” section on the site, I strongly believe that in order to achieve success, you have to engage not only people’s minds, but also their hearts.  I think not only is this true in engaging customers and employees, but that it’s also critical to success in selling a product or starting a business. …

Building Positive Company Culture

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a few mistakes I’ve seen when organizations are attempting to build company culture.  Now here are a few tips. Senior leadership must be aligned with the culture you’re building. A culture statement, launch, or communication shouldn’t be an HR project.  While HR plays a key role in asking the right …

Building Company Culture – 3 Considerations

I truly believe a strong focus on building a positive company culture will drive your business forward.  I’ve seen some great ways of building culture and some not-so-great ways… so I thought it was worth sharing a few things I’ve learned about how culture works. Culture happens whether you define it or not. As you go about day …