Strategic Human Resources is critical to business success

As I was reviewing recent “Answers” on Linked In, I came across one that inspired this post.  An HR pro had posted a question asking what others would recommend as focus areas when starting or reviving HR in an organization.  An Operations Manager had answered the question by saying “None”, and going on to clarify that it …

Tell your employees what you want

All too often, we expect that people must know what we expect because it is obvious to us. Guess what?  In the world of setting expectations, nothing is obvious.  I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage about what “ass-uming” does… that rule certainly applies when you want your employee to change their behaviour. The first …

HR – getting a “seat at the table”

It’s no secret that there are top business leaders that do not always realize the full value that Human Resources leaders can add in business.  It’s often a challenge for HR professionals to “push” people programs forward as business priorities.  However, I truly believe that in fact, CEOs and Presidents actually do value HR, …

Building Positive Company Culture

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a few mistakes I’ve seen when organizations are attempting to build company culture.  Now here are a few tips. Senior leadership must be aligned with the culture you’re building. A culture statement, launch, or communication shouldn’t be an HR project.  While HR plays a key role in asking the right …