IKEA I am WOWed! New President! New Customer Experience!

IKEA I am WOWed! New President! New Customer Experience!

IKEA you have WOWed me! I didn’t know that was possible.

Two places that I hate to be:

  1. Walmart – during the holiday season
  2. IKEA – on any given Saturday.

I know I am not alone in this!

I know, I know – so many of you are dedicated to the uber modern IKEA. Although I hate shopping at the store, I do like their furniture, and their price point is great. But, on any given Saturday (or most any other day of the week), the store is a crowded, claustrophobic, mess of people.  Gotta say, I just don’t get it.

They have lost numerous sales from me – and I didn’t think IKEA cared.

Just a couple of weeks ago I was looking for a new small table set. I looked online, found one that would be suitable at IKEA, and then I thought, “Nope”! I just couldn’t do it. Hence, I ended up buying a set (more expensive) from another store.

But now – I just found out that IKEA has a new shopping policy – that will change the customer experience! For $39 I can now have an IKEA associate gather items of my choosing, and I can pick them up at my convenience.

For me this is great because I live too close to the store to have items delivered (waste of money), and I don’t have to brave the chaos of the store!ShoppingListIcon_221x221

“It’s so simple.” The IKEA Associate told me over the phone.

  • Go to site.
  • Click on the SAVE TO LIST button beside product.
  • Click on MY SHOPPING LIST.
  • Print the list off, and bring it to your store’s customer service desk.

If you are thinking, “This type of shopping will eliminate the impulse type purchase”, it’s true. Those “cool” awesome trinkets may not be visible when shopping in this new manner – but don’t forget people like me wouldn’t see them anyway – because I wouldn’t even go into the store.

I USED to think that my life couldn’t be improved by shopping at IKEA. In fact, I have even said to my husband, “Well, those are 3 hours that I can never get back”. But the new customer experience policy has changed the way I see IKEA. I see now that the IKEA machine is really looking out for their customers, and they do this by working within their Vision & Values every day.

The IKEA Vision has 3 parts:triangle

  1. To create a better everyday life for the many people.
  2. We shall offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.
  3. To give down-to-earth, straight-forward people the possibility to grow, both as individuals and in their professional roles, so that together we are strongly committed to creating a better everyday life for ourselves and our customers.

The IKEA Value Chain

This company lives and breathes Strategic Alignment.

  • They know where they are, and they know where they are headed.
  • The Vision & Values of the IKEA Group are clear, and employees are continually encouraged to embrace them in everything that they do.

This video beautifully outlines IKEA’s value chain. 

Who developed this new customer experience policy? Introducing the new Canadian IKEA President – Stefan Sjostrand.

Get to know Stephan! His colleagues have described him as:

  • A strong leader!president
  • Honest. Fair. Compassionate.
  • Strategic and results driven.
  • Energetic, passionate, supportive, and positive.
  • Team motivator.
  • Strong in developing people and he encourages others to do their best.


I wonder what other changes Stephan has up his sleeves? What new ideas would you like to see in accordance to IKEA’s Vision?

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