How to be a Superhero from TED Talks

I make a point of always smiling at people on the street, in the office, or wherever I may be.  I often have people commenting on this, and have actually wondered at times if it makes me come across as somewhat ‘simple’. But then I saw this TED Talk by Ron Gutman, and realized it’s actually my superpower 🙂 Watch the talk and check …

Get to know the people you don’t like

I ran across this quote from Abraham Lincoln, and it rang very true for me as a lesson I’ve learned over the years. “I don’t like that man.  I must get to know him better.”  For me, this speaks to the importance of understanding people with different perceptions and views from your own.  This leads to learning and outcomes …

Defining Moments

I believe we all have certain moments or events in our life that help define how we behave in the future. defines a “Defining Moment” (DM) as “an occurrence that typifies or determines all related events that follow.”  I’ve been thinking about one of my DMs lately, as I’ve noticed a few times that …

Five words

Somehow I’ve unwittingly become a source of career and personal coaching to friends and colleagues, which inspired me to start this blog to share experiences I’ve had or coached others about over the years.  For years, I’ve worked in Operations and in Human Resources and training in service-oriented organizations and industries, …