ROWE, Culture, HR Tech Apps with OfficeVibe

I was honoured to be interviewed by Jacob Shriar from OfficeVibe a couple of weeks ago, as part of their Culture Talks series. Jacob asked me some great questions about the future of work, culture, and my favourite HR Tech apps. Of course, before long, I was discussing Results-Only Work Environment, the Blueprint for Workplace Reinvention, and innovative …

Clues your culture is rewarding the wrong behaviour

Cadillac just released a new ad. I hate to think that it might sell more Cadillacs. It glorifies the extremely driven, lack of balance, materialistic lifestyle of North America. It basically says “work through your vacation so you can buy a Cadillac.” You can see the ad at the bottom of this post. The Cadillac ad made me think of corporate …

Great way to use Facebook to build talent pool

I’m a fan of a lot of what Intuit does on their Facebook Careers site, and as I was taking a look through it today, I came across a few videos asking for feedback. I’ve posted one below. Why I like it: It’s not a fancy advertising campaign, corporately made video – it’s a real, genuine guy who works at Intuit, speaking …

Is 2014 the year of Workplace Reinvention?

With Zappos’ recent announcement about becoming a Holacracy, and a ton of thoughts in my head about ROWE and Self-Managed Organizations, a post has been brewing for a while about some of the options and examples for new ways of managing work… So I submitted it to Huffington Post. 2014: The Year of Workplace Reinvention Check it out HERE! …

A Team Engagement and Giving Back Opportunity HR needs to know about

You know when you find out about something awesome and you just want to tell everyone about it? That’s the way I feel after my recent meeting with Jody Steinhauer. Jody is the Chief Bargains Officer at Bargains Group, and now is also the founder of an amazing Not For Profit, Engage and Change. I have to tell you about some of the things these …

You’re wrong about what engages employees

Last week, I was struck once again by how wrong leaders often are about what engages employees. As I was outlining a plan for culture workshops with the senior leadership team at a client organization, I described a brainstorming activity for the employees in the room to come up with ideas for making each other’s day and creating a positive work …

Rebel HR – It’s Time to Burn Your Employee Handbook

Many years ago, I read the book “Get Weird! 101 innovative ways to make your company a great place to work”. It was one of my first realizations that there were other people “out there” who believed in innovative HR – unique and different ways of managing the workplace. One story shared in the book was about an Employee …