Tech Tool Tuesday: Online Leadership and Team Development Tools from Actionable Books

Today’s Tech Tool Tuesday post is about a tool for leaders who want to build stronger teams, called Actionable Books. Full disclosure – I liked this tool so much that I became an “Actionable Coach”, which means that I have been trained in the philosophy, tools, and how to use them successfully, and that I sell this tool. This …

Tech Tool Tuesday: My First Infographic – Getting Started on Twitter

I’m ringing in the new year with my first Infographic! It’s a quick and dirty to help rookies get started on Twitter. I’ll admit, it’s not the prettiest Infographic I’ve ever seen. It’s a little too wordy (I have so  much more to say!!!) and busy, especially by Step 5… don’t worry, my next creation will …

Tech Tool Tuesday: WritePad App for Productivity and Going Green

Over the past several weeks, I have been in meeting after meeting. That means I’ve been making great use of my Writepad app for ipad. It is a great app for productivity improvement and has saved me tons of time. I often get asked what I am using and how it works, so I thought I’d share it with you in the second edition of Tech Tool Tuesday. …