Hate Late Colleagues? 3 Steps to Handle!

Your colleague is late in the mornings. 3 hours last week. 2 hours yesterday. 1 hour today. You are counting. It is causing you stress. Feelings about the situation can build up over time – such as: resentment, frustration, anger, irritation, confusion, and jealousy. These feelings are certainly not a good way to start the day. You have work to accomplish, …

Work Sucks! Five Critical Learnings about Going ROWE

How many times have you heard: Work sucks lately? How many times have you said it? It may be because I recently read “Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It” by Jody Thompson and Cali Ressler, and just received my copy of “Why Managing Sucks and How to Fix It“, but I’ve been hearing these words – or some variation of them …