Fun gets results!

“The most wasted day is one in which we have not laughed” – Anonymous Some may scoff at this quote and insert “produces widgets/sales/results” instead of “laughed”, but fun can actually have a very positive impact on your business.   Take a look at successful organizations such as Zappos, SouthWest Airlines, …

Want to motivate people? Don’t pay more…

If you are a compensation professional or a leader in any capacity, you need to watch this video  from Ted Talks, and read Drive by Dan Pink.  Talk about engaging hearts and minds!  For me, this helps to build a case for re-evaluating my company’s bonus structure and for the need for things like flex time, socially conscious programs, and …

Serving your Internal Customers

I think most leaders realize how important it is to provide great service to clients or customers. I often find, though, that some organizations forget about engaging and “serving” their internal customers – their employees. In fact, I would argue that the relationship that leaders cultivate with their employees is actually more important …

Storytelling to engage your team

I recently had an opportunity to participate in a webinar, led by Anecdote, a consultant firm out of Australia.  Anecdote specializes in storytelling to bring company’s strategies to life, and the webinar was about leveraging storytelling to build engagement.  I have never worked with Anecdote, so can’t tell you much about them but I can …

Engaging Orientation

When a new employee starts at your company, do they feel like you’ve rolled out the welcome mat or like they’re just another number? A new employee’s first few days can be critical to their longterm success and engagement.  They are gauging whether they’ve made the right decision to come and work for you and probably feeling …

The Passion Factor in Success

As you would know if you read the “About” section on the site, I strongly believe that in order to achieve success, you have to engage not only people’s minds, but also their hearts.  I think not only is this true in engaging customers and employees, but that it’s also critical to success in selling a product or starting a business. …

Customer Complaint Resolution – all about attitude

After years of working in hospitality and seeing good and bad problem resolution skills (and practicing both myself), I’ve learned some best practices in dealing with angry customers. I have to say the most important first step is to face customer complaints positively and with an attitude of Trust. Think of complaints as a way to improve your …

Building Positive Company Culture

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a few mistakes I’ve seen when organizations are attempting to build company culture.  Now here are a few tips. Senior leadership must be aligned with the culture you’re building. A culture statement, launch, or communication shouldn’t be an HR project.  While HR plays a key role in asking the right …