Crx_Rowe_BlackGreenIt is 2015, and in most workplaces, we are still managing work the way we did in 1974. It’s time to change. There is a better way. Work does not have to suck!

ROWE™ is a workplace where:Screenshot 2015-12-08 10.40.20

  • The focus is on RESULTS and your ultimate Customer
  • Leaders no longer feel like babysitters because people are treated like ADULTS
  • The key principles of motivation that Dan Pink describes in his book DRIVE are a part of every day life: Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose

Going ROWE™ is not just another change program. It is a full scale, revolutionary change to the way we work. It changes the relationship managers have with people. It changes the way work feels. It turns current flex-time models on their head.

This kind of change is not easy. That’s why, before you go ROWE, we prepare your culture and your leaders through leadership and culture development and consulting.

Our Three Point Reinvent Work Program:

Want more info? Contact me with questions or to get started!