What To Do When Your Best Employees Lose Passion

I had a discussion with a very intelligent manager – let’s call her Sally – a few weeks ago. When I first met her, she was full of energy and ideas. She was looking forward to an illustrious career and to learning more in her role. She had been identified by her Manager (let’s call her Barbara) as a high potential leader – someone who …

How I’m Getting Past Writer’s Block

I have been struggling with writer’s block lately… it all started with a viral post on LinkedIn. I wrote about “how I stopped sucking at networking”, and within hours, had tens of thousands of views and hundreds of comments. I felt a little like the Chewbacca mom probably felt in the first few hours after her post – although she’s certainly …

Woodbine Entertainment Group is Reinventing HR

I was honoured to be invited to a top-secret event held at Woodbine Racetrack a few weeks ago… When I got the invitation, which said very little, I was intrigued. I know Tania Caza as a forward-thinking HR leader, who has attended the Reinvent Work Summit and is passionate about engagement and culture. So without knowing what I was attending, …

Three Keys to Courageous Conversations

I’m prepping for a Courageous Conversations workshop tomorrow and as I’m reviewing the materials, I’m remembering the feedback and “a-ha” moments that we often get when we deliver this training to leaders. There are three things that stand out to me as I look back at what past participants said about their most important …