Worst Employee Ever???

QUESTION: Would you hire a person who met EVERYTHING on your criteria list….but then said to you…that they had 10 non-negotiables? Here are the non-negotiables of the potential hire: 1. I will show up late from time to time. 2. I will leave early to pick up groceries for dinner. 3. I will take an extended lunch sometimes because I have a …

How Work Really Makes Us Feel – And What To Do About It

Today, Pam is featured on Huffington Post’s Business blog with her social experiment “work makes me…”. Sadly, work is making us nervous, depressed, angry, sick, and suicidal around the world. Pam shares the results of her experiment and 5 Leadership Tips to help reinvent work. Check it out here.  

8 Tips For Work-At-Home Couples

My husband works at/from home. And, I work at Home for Pam Ross Consulting. At the core of my work environment (because Pam Ross wholeheartedly believes in it) is ROWE – which stands for Results Only Work Environment. Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson are the Founders of CultureRx and creators of the Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE). Their first …

Authentic Humanity in the Workplace #reinventwork

* This post is modified from the original, which I wrote on our Impact99 website in 2013.* Recently, I have been reflecting on what Authentic Humanity actually means and why it is so important in the workplace. This is one of my favourite pieces of our Blueprint for Workplace Reinvention. Those of you who know me will know that my style is genuine and …

How I Learned I Am Not Awesome at Awesomeness Fest

I recently returned from more than three weeks in Thailand which included 4 days at an event unlike any other I’ve ever been a part of. It is called Awesomeness Fest. I went to Awesomeness Fest thinking I was at least somewhat awesome – or at least that I would fit in with awesome people. I learned pretty quickly that I am not and I did …

Awesome Customer Experience from Problem Solver at Home Depot

If you’re in the business of customer service or customer experience, you and your team can likely take a few lessons from Mostafa (aka Moose) at Home Depot in Oakville. I had the pleasure of dealing with him while purchasing a barbecue with a tight timeline. Here’s what happened, how Moose dealt with it, and what we can all learn from him. …