Blog Post – Video

Phasellus varius, felis ac ullamcorper aliquet, justo nunc laoreet turpis, eget pharetra nulla arcu sed purus curabitur hendrerit bibendum erat, id sollicitudin arcu adipiscing eget. Nullam in nibh eget sapien placerat tincidunt nec ac dui. Ut lobortis, felis vel congue viverra, dui eros auctor lectus, sed sodales massa leo id sapien. Quisque nec tristique …

Guest Post: What’s Wrong With Generation Y? A Millennial’s Perspective

What’s Wrong with Generation Y? Answer: Nothing. Generation Y, also known as Millennials, are the group born roughly in the 1980’s and 1990’s. In the last few years they have gotten a lot of press. Most of it negative, some of it explanatory and lately, a small group are finally speaking out against the bad press. Generation Y, mostly named this …